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坐落于著名侨乡“中国服装名城”--温州,亨鲨创始于2010年。是一家以中高端男女职业服团订,私订为中心,集设计、开发、生产、销售于一体的服饰公司。现有职工300多人,引进了美国、德国、日本的先进设备和技术,建成了一流的生产线。现具有夹克,大衣,羽绒服年生产35万套(件)的能力。 Located in the famous hometown of overseas Chinese "China clothing city"-Wenzhou, Hengsha founded in 2010. Is A high-end men's and women's professional apparel group order, private set as the center, set design, development, production and sales in one clothing company. The existing staff of more than 300 people, the introduction of the United States, Germany, Japan's advanced equipment and technology, built a first-class production line. Now with jacket, coat, down jacket annual production capacity of 350,000 sets (pieces) .
